FDA Considers Soundtrack Recall (3/19/98)

The Food and Drug Administration is considering a recall of all copies of the Titanic movie soundtrack, citing numerous potential health dangers from repeated listenings.

Several million Americans have already been exposed to the soundtrack CD, which features the film's score and the Celine Dion song "My Heart Will Go On".

In its report, the FDA said "We've known for years that listening to Celine Dion has many adverse effects on the human nervous system. The Titanic soundtrack, however, exascerbates the problem by including only one Dion track, causing some listeners to be exposed over and over again in a short period of time."

In addition, the FDA concluded that the soundtrack album now officially qualifies as an addictive substance under federal law, and that repeated listening of the entire score has led over 75,000 people to be deluded into thinking they were listening to Enya, when they were actually listening to James Horner live out his freakish Enya fantasy life.

Titanic, the movie, is now the highest grossing movie in the history of the world ever, and as such, is the subject of heaps of ridicule and scorn from everyone who went to see it on opening weekend and cried at the end.