(Working) Hard For The Money (5/1/98)

Oh, you have -got- to be kidding me.

Due to the way I read the news, mostly over the Internet and through snippits on CNN Headline News, sometimes I miss stuff. But usually not big stuff. Usually not cultural phenomena.

So imagine my surprise, when, skimming editorial cartoons off the Web for my own nefarious purposes, I found about half of them to be about something called "Viagra". Now, when half the editorial cartoons are making bad jokes about something, it's already old news. So I went looking.

NewsBot was dead, so I turned to DejaNews. If it happened, people are probably talking about it on Usenet. And there, I discovered the horrifying truth. They've made an erection pill.

Oh, joy. Just what this country needed. The male population is already "self"-obsessed, if you know what I mean, and now there's Stiffy In A Can. Yours for ten bucks a pop, as it were.

I mean, sure there'll be a few people who actually use this stuff to solve a valid, medical problem, and that's good.

But this'll be like Rogaine friggin squared, people. It's already started. USA Today's all over the story, I'm sure it's been monologue fodder for a week, and men all over the country are lining up, hoping to prop up the main support beam of their already sagging egos.

Oh, and since I'm feeling snippy, "Viagra" is a stupid-ass name. Nyah.